
WOZiTech promotes the use of Token Based Security across all its products.


Introduce SAML, OAuth and OpenID Connect - all token based authentication and authorisation. What about WS-Federation and LDAP?


Introduce providers of OAuth 2, SAML and OpenID providers.


Introduce the token. Highlight the assurance (identity) and (approval) of the token. Introduce the JWT.


Introduce to Auth0

Deployment Patterns

Stuff on different deployments


Auth0 supports two types of token; one an opaque string, the other, JWT. WOZiTech promotes the use of JWT.

Highlight what is in the Auth0 token. Specifically, highlight "client id" and "audience"

Spend a bit of time explaining the difference between a user and an account.


Stuff on Connections


Stuff on Rules

There is More

Auth0 is more than just the above. Introduced here are the those aspects of Auth0 most relevant to WOZiTech. We advise you to head to the Auth0 to find out more about their capabilities for hosted pages, analytics, password policies, email noticications, hooks, multifactor authentication, Anomaly Detection, Single Sign On and much more.