Our Earth is sick

Earth Matters

As we look to the start of a new year, 2024, COP29 is drawing to a close. Sure, we're making progress but are we making enough progress?

We're fast approaching 2030 and the world agreed many years ago (2015 would you believe) that the global temporature should not increase by more than 1.5 degress by 2100. But it looks like we're going to reach 1.5 degrees not by 2050 or 2030, but within the next year or so.

We're making good progress on sustainable energy sources, like wind and solar. But we're still burning fossil fuels like our lives don't matter. As COP29 closes, as an intelligent race, we cannot agree that we need to transition away from fossil fuels - watering down commitments. It's not a simple matter of money or greed; it's more complex than that.

But as "the most intelligent spieces" on this planet, are we prioritising ourselves in a way that matters? We have significantly influenced this direction. There's no more time for finger-pointing or blame. What matters now is action. What matters now are solutions. What matters most is our planet and all life on our planet.

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You and Me; "We" Matter.

2023 has been a tough year for all; forever rising inflation & costs with continued and new war (it will get worse with climate change as we fight for precious resource and for life). It's been a tough year for WOZiTech; personal and professional (super tough job market).

Back in 2022, WOZiTech wanted to celebrate us (everyone) for 2023. It's hard to celebrate when the world around you is falling apart.

But that is when we must come together more. Stop finding fault in each other. Stop trying to get one over the other. Take a step back and focus on what really matters. It "Us" and "We" - not just you or me and I. Together we are stronger than ourselves.